I am qualified physiotherapist in both Canada and Korea. I have worked in Orthopaedic clinics in Seoul, Korea, but has always been interested and passionate about pelvic floor care, both for women and men. I am enthusiastic about my work and love to learn about the latest techniques in order to provide the optimal care for my patients. My philosophy is that each client deserves the very best individualized care possible.
Since beginning practice in Canada, I was able to find opportunities to study in this area. Pat Lieblich and Penny Wilson, two of the pioneer pelvic floor physiotherapists from Women’s hospital, provide opportunities to physiotherapists, like myself, who want to learn and practice under their leadership and guidance in women and men’s pelvic floor health. I have taken their courses and continued training with two other pelvic floor physiotherapists, Claudia Brown, M.J. Lord and Louise Parrin.
My professional development has also included the Discover series from Diane Lee and L J Lee in 2013, which focuses on integrated systems model approaches. Currently, I am Continuing her study in Visceral manipulation techniques, Craniosacral therapy, Neuromaningeal manipulation through the Upledger and the Barral institutes.
Each client deserves the very best individualized care possible.

Me, in a nutshell ...
– Registered Physiotherapist
– Women and Men’s health: Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist
– A member of CPA (Canadian Physiotherapy Association) and PABC (Physiotherapist Association of BC)
– Pilates training through the Physicalmind Institute Canada
-ISM (Integrated System’s Model) practitioner
– Hypopressive technique practioner (Level III: awaiting to take the certification exam)
– Visceral Manipulation
– Teaching assistant in Visceral Manipulation course through Barral Institute
– Craniosacral Therapy (CST) Neuromaningeal Manipulation